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Why this gift is special
make Valentine's Day an unforgettable experience with our captivating Darling Love Hamper! Celebrate love with red charm and sweet delights on this special occasion.

Red Rosebush: An enduring symbol of love and passion, this radiant rosebush embodies the timeless beauty of romance.

Basic White Pot: An elegant container that complements the purity and elegance of this special gift.

Rooibos Selection Kraft Box Pack 12 pcs: An aromatic fusion that invites you to share intimate and cosy moments.

Selection of Assorted Macarons 36 g: Delicate, colourful and full of flavour, these macarons are a sweet delight to share on this special day.

A gift designed to express love and devotion, ideal for celebrating the union of hearts on Valentine's Day.
Darling Love

Tea, macarons and rose bushes

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*Depending on the delivery country the price may change.

Select a date range to deliver your gift:

It takes us 2 working days to make your gift extra special. Please, select the date range that best suits you for the delivery.
Express Delivery
May 16 - May 17
2 Working Days:range_days Working Days

This is how they will receive your gift:

  • Discover the magic! Your eco-friendly gourmet basket reveals treats or a lush plant, wrapped in tissue.
  • Elevate your gifting! Personalize each basket with a heartfelt note, making it memorable for your loved ones.
  • Experience the unboxing joy! Your gift basket, filled with gourmet treats or a plant, is a surprise ready for a special moment.